How do you turn your visitor into a Phone Number Database Believer? Also read: A Customer Data Platform: something for your organization? [pros & cons] Purchase phases Ultimately, you can place any type of visitor in one of the Phone Number Database phases below. Orientation phase In digital marketing we can map out the Phone Number Database orientation phase by collecting search and click behaviour. The word says it all, the visitor orientates himself on a possible purchase. Decision phase The visitor knows what he or she wants. Has now all the necessary information and seems to proceed with a purchase.
In this phase, the visitor also Phone Number Database shifts to the next customer type, for example Purposeful or Passionate. Evaluation phase In the last phase of the purchase process we look for a form of engagement on the part Phone Number Database of the visitor, with which we try to force him or her into the customer group Believer. This can be something as simple as assessing the purchase, but also making a commitment by liking Phone Number Database the Facebook page or subscribing to the digital newsletter. 2. The dates Our travel organization has several internal data sources with customer information.
This information is obtained from Phone Number Database data sources such as the e-mail database, CRM and the booking system. We link these data sources to a customer profile based on a customer ID. Artboard Copy 4 When a visitor comes to the site, at least some basic data is collected, such as the type of device with which the site Phone Number Database is visited, the time and the weather conditions at that time. This is linked to a customer profile. Apply external data sources We can say quite a lot about the visitor based on internal data. But when external data is also added to this, it only becomes really relevant.